Sunday, September 11

10 YouTube Channels You Can Switch On To Catch The Best Movie Reviews

youtube movie review channels
There are a lot of movie buffs on YouTube giving their two-cents worth by way of movie reviews. In fact, they have full-blown YouTube movie review channels to show-off their critical takes.
Which are the better ones out there? Just like the reviews you catch, the select ten is also taken from a list I follow. Agree or disagree, just give them a ten second glance.


youtube movie review channels

Friday, September 9

Epic, the first browser by Indians : a review

Epic is the first ever browser for the Indians, by the Indians. It claims to be the worlds only antivirus browser.  One month after its release lets checkout whats in store for us in this epic browser named Epic.

Thursday, September 8

Facebook launches Video Calling feature powered by Skype

Facebook has launched its new Video Calling service powered by Skype. You might be thinking that they’ve done this to tackle the much discussed Google+ Hangout feature but comparing both of them is not the right thing to do.
You can Video Call just one you Facebook friend at a time, whereas Google+ hangout is a group video calling feature. You can access Facebook Video calling service from here. You’ll first need to set up some stuff before you can actually start calling your friends, we’ll help you throughout the process.
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