Though facebook introduced automatically tagging photos, the feature is bothersome for some. Though the face recognition feature introduced by Facebook does sound cool and useful it can get very annoying for many when they get tagged a lot.To prevent Facebook automatically tagging you in photos all you have to do is edit a few settings in your Facebook Account. It doesn’t require any special plugin for your browser or anything. So without going on about the new feature let’s begin the tutorial.
Just follow these simple steps to prevent Facebook from tagging you Automatically:
- Click on Account drop down menu and then select Privacy Settings.
- Now scroll down and click on Customize Settings. Scroll to the Things Others Sharesection and click Edit Settings near Suggest photos of me to friends. Now a dialogue box will appear as in the picture above. Just click on the drop down arrow near Enabled and change it to disabled.
- That’s it. Now photos of you won’t be automatically tagged.
If you ever feel like re-enabling this option just follow the same tutorial and change the Disabled to Enabled again. For more such helpful tips subscribe to the Computing UnleashedRSS Feed.
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